Sometimes You Need To Treat Yourself And Spend Some “Me” Time
human hands forming heart on white surface

Written By Sheila M

Communications and Personal Development Practitioner who is passionate about helping clients change self-defeating behaviors to experience fulfilling and happy personal and professional relationships.

We lead busy lives and have all sorts of obligations as parents, professionals, and friends. It’s easy to lose yourself in everything that has to be done in any given week. While it’s great to give and spend lots of time with loved ones, there is a time and place when you should slow down and get a little selfish.

Sometimes you need to treat yourself and spend a little “me” time. Don’t feel guilty about it. In the end, it will make you a better parent, a better colleague, and a better friend. We all need to recharge and do something just for ourselves on a regular basis and it doesn’t have to be complicated.

If taking time for yourself to do something that you enjoy and that relaxes you isn’t something you’re doing right now, figure out what you may want to do. Maybe it’s reading a good book or watching your favorite TV show. Maybe it’s getting back into a hobby you used to enjoy. Maybe it’s taking a nap. Maybe it’s a simple as having 10 minutes to sit by yourself and think or thumb through a magazine.

Your first task is to find out what you want to do for yourself. Time to do what you enjoy is always a favorite. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time and involve anything complicated. Sure, a trip to the beach by yourself for a week would be great, but if that’s not an option, curling up on the couch with a nice cup of tea and a good book will do.

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Treating yourself to a new haircut, a pretty dress, a new gadget, or something that will help you enjoy your hobby more is another great option. Or keep it super simple, and pick up a favorite treat that you don’t have to share while you’re out doing the grocery shopping.

The point I’m trying to make is that it’s ok to treat yourself and do something for the sole purpose of making you happy. While a piece of fancy chocolate may not seem like that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, treating yourself well and caring for yourself can have a massive impact on the rest of your day and how you treat those around you. Give it a try. Do something nice for yourself and watch your happiness levels go up. You deserve it!

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