Make A Commitment To Cultivating Happiness
Cultivating Happiness

Written By Sheila M

Communications and Personal Development Practitioner who is passionate about helping clients change self-defeating behaviors to experience fulfilling and happy personal and professional relationships.

What does it mean to be totally committed to something? It often means that you set a goal and then dedicate yourself to doing what it takes to reach that goal. When we get married, we commit to a relationship, we commit to a job or a career, and we may be committed to a hobby. But today, I want to focus on committing to cultivating happiness.

While affirmations are great, you have to make a commitment to cultivating happiness to see lasting results. Check out how to begin a journey of greater happiness in this article.

Yesterday, I shared how part of how happy we are is directly related to our choices. I also shared my goal of running this 30 Day Challenge to help us make a conscious decision to be happier and create a new habit of having a more positive outlook. The first step to make that happen is to make a commitment to this challenge and happiness. This holds true for any new habit you want to engrain in yourself. The first step is always to commit to it. From there, it’s a matter of daily practice until the new behavior or action has become a true habit. A habit, by the way, is something you do without any conscious thought or effort.

Found this article but haven’t signed up for the Happiness Challenge yet? Join to get daily actionable tips and strategies that will inspire you to achieve greater happiness leading to a more fulfilled life.

Our journey toward a happier version of ourselves is no different. We have to commit to happiness. Of course, it isn’t as easy as saying to yourself that you will be happier from here on out. While that’s certainly helpful, it isn’t quite as simple as that. Before we can truly commit to happiness, we have to define what makes us happy.

Spend some time today to reflect on what makes you happy and also what doesn’t make you happy. Dig deep. For example, if curling up on the couch with a good book makes you happy, think about why that is. Is it because it gives you a chance to escape and forget about your own life for a while? If so, try to pinpoint what you’re hiding from when you dive into a book and what you can do about that. If getting up at 6 am to go to work makes you unhappy and changing to a later schedule isn’t an option, think about the positive things about getting up early. You get to see the sunrise, come home at a decent hour, and have time to relax with your kids or spouse before bedtime. Something as simple as implementing a relaxing bedtime routine and going to bed a little earlier may make it much easier to get up at 6 am and improve your whole outlook on workday mornings.

Make a Commitment to Cultivating Happiness:

We’ll dig a little deeper into what makes us happy and how we can go about cultivating more happiness in future posts. For now, find your own personal definition of happiness and come up with at least 10 different things or people that make you happy. Then commit to using the coming days to work on becoming happier. You won’t regret it.

Want to increase your challenge results? Get the Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook.
30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal & Workbook

The 30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook is a supplement to the FREE 30-Day Happiness Challenge. Click => 30 Day Happiness Challenge if you haven’t signed up yet. :-).

Use the fillable PDF Journal to respond to Challenge prompts, record your thoughts and develop a success plan. Each two-page daily challenge is filled with prompts and calls to action that provide an opportunity to develop a new mindset, incorporate change in your daily activities, follow a process to achieve your goals, and keep you on track and organized.

Ultimately, your transformation is a direct result of your investment in yourself. Change is not easy, rarely happens overnight, and will be challenged – so believing you deserve a better life is imperative to keep you motivated to achieve your goals. Whatever chapter of your life you are in, you write the next one… so make it a great one by working on yourself and pursuing your desires to live a passionate, purpose-driven, and happy life.

Beyond the FREE Happiness Challenge and supplemental Journal and Workbook, we are here to support you and grow as a community. Connect with us in the Happiness Challenge Facebook Group to connect with like-minded individuals seeking to change what isn’t working to achieve a happy, purpose-driven, and fulfilled life.

  • Customized to daily 30-Day Happiness Challenge tips and strategies
  • Fillable PDF Journal – Fill it out digitally or print
  • Maximizes your engagement with Challenge content
  • Improve your positive results
  • Stay focused and on track
  • Create and manage your success plan
  • Easily reflect and see your progress
  • 70 Pages | Approximately 8.5 x 11
$1.33 (tax)
Total: $20.33

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1 Comment

  1. S. Thorton

    Daily me time! Yesssss
