How Good Nutrition Can Help Your Mood
good nutrition

Written By Sheila M

Communications and Personal Development Practitioner who is passionate about helping clients change self-defeating behaviors to experience fulfilling and happy personal and professional relationships.

It is interesting to learn how much the food we eat can affect our mood. I think it’s no accident that since the advent of lots of processed food with added sugar in the Western diet, depression and other mood disorders have dramatically risen. We look for ways to increase happiness in various ways when the most straightforward solution may be to change what we eat. Let’s look at a couple of key ingredients and nutrients that have been shown to affect our mood directly.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

I’m sure you’ve heard about this fatty acid that’s found in fatty fish and certain seeds and nuts. There’s another fatty acid called Omega 6 and from what I’ve read, there’s an important balance between omega 3 and omega 6 that needs to happen. If you end up with way more omega 6 than omega 3 (which is often the case in a diet that consists of lots of processed foods), one of the side effects is depression.

Vitamin D

We then get the blues more in winter when we can’t get some sun outside. A big reason for this drop in mood is a lack of vitamin D. With the advent of strong sunscreen and a global health policy that warns us of sun exposure and cautions us to cover up or wear sunscreen; it’s no wonder that vitamin D deficiency has become a significant problem that also happens to affect our mood negatively.

B Vitamins

Being happy takes energy and a key ingredient in making sure we get the energy we need from our foods are B vitamins. This whole group of micronutrients is crucial in how energized we feel. Make sure you get plenty to feel your best.


Last but not least, let’s talk about magnesium. This is becoming more and more of an issue as our soils are magnesium depleted and less of this mineral makes it into our food. Lack of magnesium can cause insomnia. I don’t have to tell you how important a good night’s sleep is to your overall well-being.

Found this article but haven’t signed up for the Happiness Challenge yet? Join to get daily actionable tips and strategies that will inspire you to achieve greater happiness leading to a more fulfilled life.

While you may want to consider supplementing with some of these nutrients to fill the gap quickly, your diet will have a much better long-term strategy if you work on cleaning it up. The more processed foods you can cut out and replace with fresh fruits and vegetables, quality meats, and healthy fats, the better. In other words, eat a healthy diet made up of real foods and you’ll start feeling better.

Search more on supplements and the right foods to eat for optimal performance. Talk to your doctor. Request your next bloodwork include identifying important nutrient levels. I gained some great info researching brain power foods recently. I started noticing brain fog and reduced concentration. The information helped me incorporate nutrients and eliminate some foods to ensure I do all I can to live my best life. What do you need to change?

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