Finding Happiness-7 Tips To Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet
Finding happiness-hot air balloon

Written By Sheila M

Communications and Personal Development Practitioner who is passionate about helping clients change self-defeating behaviors to experience fulfilling and happy personal and professional relationships.

Woohoo!!! Lookout 2022, here we come! We’re going for it – let’s make 2022 your best year yet. Finding happiness is at the core of that. No longer will we be satisfied living someone else’s dream, letting life happen around us, and daydreaming about what we want and “I wonder if.” Life is for living it to its fullest – that’s God’s desire for each of us. So….how do we get from where we are right now to live in our passions, purpose, and happiness?

In 2019, The Washington Post reported that “Americans are getting more miserable, and there’s data to prove it.” Looking in, you would think that with more technology and better living conditions and jobs, we would all be happier. However, a closer look shows individuals are seeking something more… We have long known money and things are not the answer to achieving happiness (hmmm…money does bring some happiness). Let’s explore mindset changes you can make to increase happiness in your life.

Dr. Joe Vitale, motivational speaker and author, often says: “the fastest way to get where you want is to be happy with where you are.” Believe it or not, this mindset works! It may take some changes and soul searching on your part, but in the end, it’ll be more than worth it to adopt this positive mentality.

While you should strive to make your dreams come true, learn to enjoy the journey-happiness isn’t only about the destination but capturing the joy of the moment. When you spend less time wishing things were different and more time accepting what you’ve got, you’ve already found a sense of peace and happiness right there.

Take the FREE 30 Day Challenge to begin your journey in creating the life you desire and deserve!
You deserve to live a purposeful, passionate, and fulfilled life. Here are some tips to jump-start your pursuit of happiness:
1. Feel gratitude.

When you concentrate on the big picture, it’s easier to exhibit feelings of appreciation. When you’re grateful, you remain positive and appreciative of every joyful moment in life.

  • Sometimes people get too caught up in a sense of entitlement, which leads to negative feelings. –Concentrating on gratitude, instead, will get you where you desire.
2. Be optimistic.

Some say that life is all about being hopeful, seeing the glass half full. And it’s true! An optimistic attitude is critical in helping you see beyond obstacles and challenges.

  • If you’re trying to achieve a concrete goal, optimism will help you accomplish it.
  • If you’re trying to change your mindset, optimism will make the task easier.
  • Optimism can be the driving force that keeps you going.
3. Exhibit the traits you desire.

Gandhi said, “you should be the change you want to see in the world.” Yesssss, with these wise words in mind, you can replace wanting with some bold action. With some persistence and perseverance, you can make it happen.

  • If you’re trying to achieve a concrete goal, optimism will help you accomplish it.
  • If you’re trying to change your mindset, optimism will make the task easier.
  • Optimism can be the driving force that keeps you going.
4. Adopt a prosperous mindset.

Take a moment to determine what prosperity means to you. Are you hoping for money, a fulfilling career, or a relationship that lasts a lifetime? Know what you want, then adopt the right mindset. Once you do, you’ve positioned yourself in the right direction toward your goals.

5. See the good and seek out learning opportunities.

As you go through life, you will undoubtedly realize that things will not always go your way. But even in tough times, you need to keep your stay positive. Instead of allowing negativity to consume your life, use it as a learning experience and move forward. This fresh attitude can be the difference between being held hostage and achieving your goals.

6. Take small steps.

When the place you’re going seems far away and unachievable, it’s essential to break it down into small steps. Give yourself an achievable goal with a realistic time frame. Break that one down into smaller goals. I learned this the hard way…leave room for life to happen. Loading your plate with ambitious goals and not enough time to achieve them will likely cause you to give up when all you needed was a realistic timeline. Who are we racing against anyway?

  • When you avoid getting overwhelmed, you’ll gain the confidence to persevere.
7. Seek direction from God.

We take on more than God ever intended. We’re instructed to cast all our care upon Him, for He cares for you (1Pet 5:7). I am free, less stressed, and more confident in trusting that God wants me to succeed and knows what’s best for me.

Action Steps

Reading is good, but you need to incorporate these tips into your thoughts and actions to be successful. Some of the changes may be back of the hand, while others will take a while. Start by practicing one tip at a time until you automatically find yourself incorporating them in situations and choices. Before you know it, you’ll be a natural at all of them!

Once you choose a powerful and positive mindset, you’ll find that you are experiencing more happiness. Once you have a happiness mindset, the next step is to align the rest of your life with values to maintain further and increase your happiness.

To dive deeper into making 2022 your happiest year yet, sign up for Sheila M’s 30-Day Happiness Challenge. You deserve more happiness-you are worth it! Wow, if the world were filled with happier people, the rippling effects would create a better society for us all.😊

What disappointments do you desire to overcome? Message, comment, or click CONNECT to share how you will overcome mistakes to achieve your goals . As a community, we want to support you on your journey to living your best life. Don’t let disappointment cause you to give up on your goals and dreams.

You don’t have to struggle to overcome obstacles to create your desired change. Contact Sheila M to discuss how we can work together so you can find happiness, live a passionate life, and be fulfilled! Click COACHING for more information.

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