Fighting Against Our Brain’s Bias To Negativity
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Written By Sheila M

Communications and Personal Development Practitioner who is passionate about helping clients change self-defeating behaviors to experience fulfilling and happy personal and professional relationships.

Have you noticed that negative comments and events stick with us much longer and influence us more than positive ones? I’m sure you’ve experienced this quite a few times. For example, a positive comment by your teacher is appreciated, but the effects wear off quickly. On the other hand, a negative comment sticks with you much longer. Why is that? It’s because our brains have a bias to negativity. It’s measurable and there have been brain scan studies done that show that our brain reacts more strongly to negative stimuli. Then, the big question is, how do we fight against our brain’s bias to negativity?

What can we do to make sure negative remarks and criticism don’t get us down? The first step is that we realize that there is such a thing. This allows us to take each piece of negativity with a grain of salt. It can be incredibly helpful to acknowledge that our minds and hearts may overreact about something negative. On the flip side, this knowledge also allows us to make it a point to savor the positivity. Don’t dismiss a compliment out of hand. Instead, savor it, think about it, and make it a point to remember it, and allow it to lift you up when negativity brings you down.

Of course, all of this is easier said than done. Since this bias to negativity is hard-wired in our brains, building new, more positive habits takes a lot of time and effort. Remind yourself each morning that your mind is trying to force you to focus on the negative stuff and that it takes a conscious effort to balance it out by being mindful of all the good and happy things in our lives.

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Over time this will allow us to grow a thicker skin for unwarranted criticism. Should you ignore every single comment or suggestion that you don’t like? Of course not. There is such a thing as constructive criticism that helps us grow and get better at what we do. We need to guard against the negative words, events, and feelings that make us go hide in a cave. We don’t want to encourage inaction in ourselves. Instead, we want to use the positivity around us to lift us up and help us make it through the tough times, get stronger, and get better at what we do.

Reflecting on both the good and the bad daily can be a great exercise to help us gain a little distance and see everything happening to us in a better light. Keep a journal or set aside some time for quiet contemplation. Another excellent idea is to talk things out with a friend, particularly when you’re struggling with something negative that you’ve had a hard time getting past. Above all, do what you can to outweigh the negativity with the good stuff. Keep a box or file with some of the best positive emails and comments you’ve gotten. Peruse through them whenever you need to counteract something negative. As time goes by, you’ll grow thicker skin that will protect you from your harshest critics.

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