
Work With Me

Change Dissappointing Outcomes Into Happiness and Fulfillment

Start Creating  The Life You Desire Today!

Becoming the best YOU is possible!

“Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not. When I see a person beginning to separate themselves from the pack, it’s almost always due to personal growth.” ―John C. Maxwell


Helping You Find Success With Personalized Coaching

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?


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How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?

Deciding to work with a coach is huge. For many self-reliance, digital programs, and self-help books have not been enough to launch actionable change or achieve goals.

I work with clients one on one using a personalized plan of action that empowers them to take action using various strategies to achieve breakthroughs and goals.

Some of the areas clients have sought coaching for are listed on the right.

If you are serious about change and are ready to live the life you have dreamed about, click below to schedule a FREE 45-minute clarity call.

Challenged connecting with others and developing meaningful relationships.

Want to experience a happier and more fulfilled life

It’s common to use negative self-talk

Stuck and have uncertainty about how to move forward

Facing life stage transition changes (career, divorce, empty nest)

Realize you have obstacles that hold you back

Desire strategies and accountability to achieve specific goals

My Approach

Activation™ Method Coaching (AMC) is a dynamic type of life coaching used worldwide to help individuals, families, couples, and organizations enhance existing capabilities through a solution-focused approach.  The AMC system of change empowers clients to harness their resources and inner strength to address a wide range of obstacles and then take action to create the lasting change they desire.  Activation Method methodology embraces that all can overcome the negative patterns and beliefs that keep them from thriving and reaching their goals.

The coachee and I share the responsibility to ensure success. As Coach, I take responsibility for identifying, discovery and approach strategies and providing support and accountability for the agreed-upon goals. The coachee owns responsibility for their growth, commitment to the process, and implementing the action steps needed to create change.

We will build on the your strengths as resources to help in facilitating transformation. I commit to being present, an active listener, non-judgemental, and providing a safe, nurturing space where you thrive.

Work with Sheila M
Sheila M Coaching Process

Coaching sessions are paced based on the client’s comfort level and progression. We will utilize various strategies and tools to facilitate the client’s results. Homework between sessions keeps you moving forward and email support ensures you never feel stuck.

Additionally, twelve-week and longer coaching packages, receive a free personal journal to record your thoughts, experiences, and successes.

How Sheila M Coaching Works

Schedule a Discovery Call


Take a Coaching Readiness Questionaire


Choose a Coaching Package

Begin your Transformation


Activation™ Method Coaching

What can you expect to improve in your life as you work with your Certified AM Coach?

You can expect to gain clarity, action, and progress towards the goals you want to achieve. You will learn about yourself and how to be more effective with the key people in your life. Insights often include: how to rebuild a difficult relationship, how to become more inspired about your career, how to plan for effective action. Most clients discover areas of opportunity, freeing up energy and initiative, and more insight and harmony with those they care about. Relationship is key to all AM Coaching.

How is Activation Method Coaching different from other types of Life Coaching?

A Certified Activation Method Coach has gone through intensive study and training in strategies to handle the whole range of human needs and life challenges. Most life coaching training focuses on one type of result such as: goals, beliefs, or steps while AM helps address the wide range of human potential and obstacles. AM Coaches are trained to identify every type of obstacle that may be holding a client back (such as their internal beliefs, their communication patterns, their relationship beliefs and practices, their life stages) and prescribe practical strategies to create
results in each of these areas. Coaches provide practical frameworks for the client to understand their options, and then offer them strategies and actions for bringing about the changes they want. Activation Method encompasses goal setting, communication skill-building, relationship work, high performance, meaning/purpose discovery, and uses creative modalities to help clients put their dreams into action. The Client expands their ability to think creatively, see potential in
every part of life, expand and deepen all their relationships, and overcome the fears which have limited their joy and progress.

How is Activation Method being applied in various industries worldwide?

Activation Method is being used with people of all ages to create greater understanding and personal success. In the medical field, hundreds of care providers are using it to improve the healing process for patients and their families. In industry, AM strategies are being used by managers, business owners, public relations representatives, entrepreneurs, and leaders to create understanding, personal responsibility, team cohesion, and higher standards for connection, leadership, and success. In education, teachers are using AM strategies to better understand, connect with, and teach students of all ages.

How is Coaching different than therapy?

Psychotherapy and counseling generally work within a medical framework: identifying and diagnosing dysfunctions and prescribing treatment. Coaching starts with you, now, and how to take practical steps to make progress towards the goals, relationships, and experience you want.

Activation Method begins with the belief that the solutions that the client wants are available to them right now, and greater well-being and happiness comes from the ability to make smart and creative actions in life. Coaching is not meant to replace psychotherapy – it is a distinct practical approach to supporting clients in the decisions and actions that will support their goals, relationships, and fulfillment in life.

Professional Background

Photo of Sheila M

Sheila M is a caring and passionate trainer and coach whose mission is to help struggling  clients who desire change in their life to transform to experience thriving relationships, breakthroughs, career advancement, influence, and greater confidence resulting in  a happy and fulfilled life.

As a coach, trainer, and speaker Sheila M uses her transformation journey combined with a Masters of Education, Graduate Certificate in Communications, Coaching Certification, and 25 years of leadership experience to teach and guide clients on how to change unproductive behaviors and implement strategies for a life-changing experience.

Helping clients overcome challenges and experience success is my mission and passion! Having experienced a transformation myself, I bring proven strategies, hope, and inspiration to those settling for less and who don’t believe they can experience a more fulfilled life. Change is possible! You can develop meaningful relationships, gain influence, overcome obstacles, and confidently express yourself. This transformation results in meaningful personal relationships, career advancement, increased confidence, and an improved quality of life. Sheila M says, “It happened to me and you can experience the same!”

Sheila M has volunteered extensively for the last 25 years working with women, children, and transitional populations. She loves cooking, traveling, gardening, and entertaining family and friends.


“Sheila gets me! Sometimes you feel like you are the only one struggling with issues. She related to my situation and provided actionable steps and motivation to change.”

Victor, Maryland

“Sheila helped me discover and work through issues I never realized were negatively impacting my relationship.”

Candice B, New York

“It was great to work with Sheila. She was engaging, challenged my thinking, and helped me recognize my inner resources to overcome fears and obstacles. She worked to ensure I knew how to apply strategies to my situations for better outcomes.”

LeAnn S, Atlanta

“I am confidently speaking up at work and have found my voice. Leading meetings and managing conflict no longer cause anxiety. Sheila patiently helped me to discover my strengths which we then used to overcome obstacles.”

Grace, Atlanta

Have a question? Send us a message.
