Love the One You’re With

Love the One You’re With

Struggling with self-love from time to time is normal, accepting it as a way of life is self-defeating and keeps you from achieving your potential to becoming the best version of yourself.

The Love The One You’re With Series is designed to help you embrace self-love, build self-esteem, and increase confidence.

Join us for funky fresh learning posts, activities, action steps, and more. Bust out your bell-bottoms, boho dresses, crochet anything, and platforms and get ready to boogie down while transforming your life.  

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It’s all going down at sheilaMcoaching.com/LUV

Check out this groovy article about The Power of Believing in Yourself to jumpstart your change.

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Love, Peace, & Granola✌️ 

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The Power of Believing In Yourself

The Power of Believing In Yourself

Have you ever thought about how much believing in yourself makes a difference in your quality of life? We are faced with messages that cause us to doubt ourselves everyday. Marketing brands and products media inundates us daily which messages of how we ought to be, look , and think to sell us products. Unknown faces behind screens have become critics with a worldwide platform. People we look up too have social media profiles that make our lives look fruitless. No wonder self doubt is increasing among people. There is a way out of the craziness though.. Tony Robbins says, “I don’t have to get rid of the fear, I just have to dance with it. Achievers have mastered this dance and use their self-doubt as fuel to reach higher, go faster and be stronger – and you can, too.” Let’s look at the benefits of believing in yourself and tips to get you there.

A strong belief in yourself can bring you all these benefits and more:

  • You recognize your ability to accomplish goals.
  • You’re optimistic about the future as you set goals and achieve them.
  • Deep down inside, you know you can do anything.
  • You treat yourself kindly.
  • You feel uplifted and more satisfied with life.
  • You’re motivated to get things done.
  • You have faith, no matter what.
  • You see and enjoy the abundance around you.
  • Others feel attracted to you.

Wouldn’t you love to enjoy these qualities of confidence and well-being daily? The good news is you can! There are actions you can take to fortify your belief in yourself.

Whether you feel lacking in this area or just want to strengthen your belief for the extra benefits, try these ideas to further develop your belief:

  1. Have confidence in your own abilities to get something done. Be your own best cheerleader and encourage yourself to get your tasks done. Learn to break large tasks down into achievable portions. Then, even when times are tough and your spirit is low, you’ll know you can do it.

2. Create dreams. Whether it’s getting the career you want, obtaining more training, meeting someone you admire, traveling to a faraway place, or setting a goal to save a million dollars, connect with your dreams.

  • Where you come from, the money you make, and the people you hang out with are insignificant to the dreams you create. Dreams are often focused on what you want for yourself in the future. When you believe in your dreams, you can also believe in yourself!

3. Establish goals and go for the gold. Believing in yourself means you’re motivated to get things done. Get into the habit of setting goals (both short-term and long-term). Then, you can take active steps to achieve them.

4.Treat yourself well. Treating yourself with a nurturing nature and understanding that you’re a deserving human being is essential to developing belief in yourself.
Pamper yourself when you desire it. Recognize that others should treat you with respect and love.

5. Ensure motivation is high. Remember the childhood story about the little engine that could? When you want to accomplish your tasks with excellence and achieve your goals, it’s an incredible testament to your level of motivation. Build momentum to fuel your motivation.

6. During the tough times, keep the faith. No one is immune from experiencing rocky chapters in his life. But if you believe in yourself, you can meet those challenging phases with a positive, solid resilience. You’ll push forward, move through the trying moments, and know you’ll come out on the other side wiser, stronger, and more confident of your abilities.

7. Recognize the bounty you have. Regardless of what stage of life you’re living, search for the good all around you. Get the most you can from each moment.

  • Is the chair you’re sitting on comfortable? Are you safe and warm right now?
  • Whatever you love in your life, be thankful and have gratitude.

Believing in yourself is one of the most powerful choices you can make. Practice these strategies and you’ll discover the sheer joy and comfort of knowing you can do whatever it is you choose when you believe in yourself.

Comment below or email me to share how you are working to believe more in yourself.

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