The Connection Between Doing Stuff And Happiness

The Connection Between Doing Stuff And Happiness

We are hard-wired for taking action and getting stuff done. It only makes sense, right? Our survival as a society depends on the actions of lots of different people. If each of us does our part, everything runs smoothly. It only makes sense then that we have an internal mechanism hard-wired into our brain that rewards us for getting things done.

I’m sure you’ve seen this in action in your own life. You feel proud, accomplished, and happy when you wrap up a big work project or finish reorganizing your closet. It’s a great feeling and drives us to get things done. The internal reward we feel is motivation to get to work and take action.

On the other hand, when we don’t have anything meaningful to do, we don’t feel like we’re contributing have value results in us becoming depressed. People who don’t have a fulfilling job or feel like their work is useless are much more likely to feel down, frustrated, sad, and depressed.

Found this article but haven’t signed up for the Happiness Challenge yet? Join to get daily actionable tips and strategies that will inspire you to achieve greater happiness leading to a more fulfilled life.

The best way to turn that around is to find work, projects, causes that we can get involved with to make us feel productive. If we feel like we’re contributing to others, positively impacting their lives, all the better. Give it a try. The next time you feel down, force yourself to do one little productive thing. I call them small wins. Go clean the bathroom, use your skills to help a nonprofit or neighbor, learn a new skill to enhance your performance at work, or call a friend or family member you know is going through something to encourage them. Then use that accomplishment to motivate yourself to get something else done. Keep building on your momentum, and before you know it, you’ll notice your mood changing for the better.

If you want to supercharge this experience, go out and do something that positively impacts others. Go work at a soup kitchen for a couple of hours, or help out at your local animal shelter. Offer to babysit for a friend with little kids who haven’t gotten out all week. Do something that benefits someone else and you’ll feel even better than before. Helping others is a great way to get your mind off your challenges, as well. 🙂

As you plan for your future, set a goal to pursue opportunities, work, or build a business that helps fuel this feeling of contributing and giving back. Wouldn’t it be great if the hours you spent earning a living each week also contributed to your overall happiness and a feeling of fulfillment? What can you do this week or this month to work towards this goal? That’s where you want to start and in the meantime, keep volunteering, keep taking action, and do things that make you feel happy and accomplished.

Want to increase your challenge results? Get the Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook.
30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal & Workbook

The 30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook is a supplement to the FREE 30-Day Happiness Challenge. Click => 30 Day Happiness Challenge if you haven’t signed up yet. :-).

Use the fillable PDF Journal to respond to Challenge prompts, record your thoughts and develop a success plan. Each two-page daily challenge is filled with prompts and calls to action that provide an opportunity to develop a new mindset, incorporate change in your daily activities, follow a process to achieve your goals, and keep you on track and organized.

Ultimately, your transformation is a direct result of your investment in yourself. Change is not easy, rarely happens overnight, and will be challenged – so believing you deserve a better life is imperative to keep you motivated to achieve your goals. Whatever chapter of your life you are in, you write the next one… so make it a great one by working on yourself and pursuing your desires to live a passionate, purpose-driven, and happy life.

Beyond the FREE Happiness Challenge and supplemental Journal and Workbook, we are here to support you and grow as a community. Connect with us in the Happiness Challenge Facebook Group to connect with like-minded individuals seeking to change what isn’t working to achieve a happy, purpose-driven, and fulfilled life.

  • Customized to daily 30-Day Happiness Challenge tips and strategies
  • Fillable PDF Journal – Fill it out digitally or print
  • Maximizes your engagement with Challenge content
  • Improve your positive results
  • Stay focused and on track
  • Create and manage your success plan
  • Easily reflect and see your progress
  • 70 Pages | Approximately 8.5 x 11
$1.33 (tax)
Total: $20.33
Begin Your Day With Gratitude

Begin Your Day With Gratitude

Gratitude is all about appreciating the good things in our lives. If your life is anything like mine, the pursuit of slowing down, living in the moment, and “seeing the flowers” is more challenging than I care to admit. Understanding its importance, especially as a foundation of my relationship with God, I prioritize gratitude versus disappointment. Adapting becomes easier as I remain optimistic, always looking for opportunities to see something positive despite the situation. There are obviously times when there is no hope…I own it regroup and move on. 🙂 Thinking about all the things we have to be grateful for is a great way to start your day. Practicing being grateful makes us focus on all the good and pleasant things in our lives, which improves our overall happiness.

In other words, spending a few minutes early in the morning thinking about what we are grateful for can improve our mood and our feeling of being happy for the entire day. That’s something well worth perusing and you don’t have to spend a lot of time on it.

As you wake up or while sitting at your kitchen table sipping your first cup of coffee, think about all the things and people you are thankful and grateful for. Focus your mind on anything positive that has happened the day before or that you anticipate happening today. You can be thankful for the smallest of things. I wake up grateful that I have a warm and comfortable bed to sleep in and of course, I’m always grateful for a strong cup of coffee that helps me wake up and get ready for my busy day. Think about the people in your life that you are grateful for, including your parents, grandparents, spouse or significant other, children, friends, colleagues, a boss that gives you a job. Try to find something good about all the important people in your life.

Found this article but haven’t signed up for the Happiness Challenge yet? Join to get daily actionable tips and strategies that will inspire you to achieve greater happiness leading to a more fulfilled life.

Another option is to just look around you. Look at your sunny kitchen or the trees and birds that you can see outside your window. No matter what your living situation is right now, I’m sure you can think of things about it you are grateful for, even if it isn’t your ideal living space.

Make this grateful exercise part of your morning ritual. Focusing on it and practicing it at roughly the same time each morning and, if possible, in a similar setting will help you form a habit. And that’s the goal for the long run. You want to practice being grateful effortlessly and without having to think about it. Getting to that point alone will have a huge impact on how happy and content you feel from here on out. Give it a try for a few weeks and note how your mental outlook changes by simply adding this little exercise of gratitude in the mornings. Before long, you will do it automatically and won’t want to miss this opportunity to acknowledge all the good things in your life.

Want to increase your challenge results? Get the Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook.
30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal & Workbook

The 30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook is a supplement to the FREE 30-Day Happiness Challenge. Click => 30 Day Happiness Challenge if you haven’t signed up yet. :-).

Use the fillable PDF Journal to respond to Challenge prompts, record your thoughts and develop a success plan. Each two-page daily challenge is filled with prompts and calls to action that provide an opportunity to develop a new mindset, incorporate change in your daily activities, follow a process to achieve your goals, and keep you on track and organized.

Ultimately, your transformation is a direct result of your investment in yourself. Change is not easy, rarely happens overnight, and will be challenged – so believing you deserve a better life is imperative to keep you motivated to achieve your goals. Whatever chapter of your life you are in, you write the next one… so make it a great one by working on yourself and pursuing your desires to live a passionate, purpose-driven, and happy life.

Beyond the FREE Happiness Challenge and supplemental Journal and Workbook, we are here to support you and grow as a community. Connect with us in the Happiness Challenge Facebook Group to connect with like-minded individuals seeking to change what isn’t working to achieve a happy, purpose-driven, and fulfilled life.

  • Customized to daily 30-Day Happiness Challenge tips and strategies
  • Fillable PDF Journal – Fill it out digitally or print
  • Maximizes your engagement with Challenge content
  • Improve your positive results
  • Stay focused and on track
  • Create and manage your success plan
  • Easily reflect and see your progress
  • 70 Pages | Approximately 8.5 x 11
$1.33 (tax)
Total: $20.33
Make A Commitment To Cultivating Happiness

Make A Commitment To Cultivating Happiness

What does it mean to be totally committed to something? It often means that you set a goal and then dedicate yourself to doing what it takes to reach that goal. When we get married, we commit to a relationship, we commit to a job or a career, and we may be committed to a hobby. But today, I want to focus on committing to cultivating happiness.

While affirmations are great, you have to make a commitment to cultivating happiness to see lasting results. Check out how to begin a journey of greater happiness in this article.

Yesterday, I shared how part of how happy we are is directly related to our choices. I also shared my goal of running this 30 Day Challenge to help us make a conscious decision to be happier and create a new habit of having a more positive outlook. The first step to make that happen is to make a commitment to this challenge and happiness. This holds true for any new habit you want to engrain in yourself. The first step is always to commit to it. From there, it’s a matter of daily practice until the new behavior or action has become a true habit. A habit, by the way, is something you do without any conscious thought or effort.

Found this article but haven’t signed up for the Happiness Challenge yet? Join to get daily actionable tips and strategies that will inspire you to achieve greater happiness leading to a more fulfilled life.

Our journey toward a happier version of ourselves is no different. We have to commit to happiness. Of course, it isn’t as easy as saying to yourself that you will be happier from here on out. While that’s certainly helpful, it isn’t quite as simple as that. Before we can truly commit to happiness, we have to define what makes us happy.

Spend some time today to reflect on what makes you happy and also what doesn’t make you happy. Dig deep. For example, if curling up on the couch with a good book makes you happy, think about why that is. Is it because it gives you a chance to escape and forget about your own life for a while? If so, try to pinpoint what you’re hiding from when you dive into a book and what you can do about that. If getting up at 6 am to go to work makes you unhappy and changing to a later schedule isn’t an option, think about the positive things about getting up early. You get to see the sunrise, come home at a decent hour, and have time to relax with your kids or spouse before bedtime. Something as simple as implementing a relaxing bedtime routine and going to bed a little earlier may make it much easier to get up at 6 am and improve your whole outlook on workday mornings.

Make a Commitment to Cultivating Happiness:

We’ll dig a little deeper into what makes us happy and how we can go about cultivating more happiness in future posts. For now, find your own personal definition of happiness and come up with at least 10 different things or people that make you happy. Then commit to using the coming days to work on becoming happier. You won’t regret it.

Want to increase your challenge results? Get the Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook.
30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal & Workbook

The 30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook is a supplement to the FREE 30-Day Happiness Challenge. Click => 30 Day Happiness Challenge if you haven’t signed up yet. :-).

Use the fillable PDF Journal to respond to Challenge prompts, record your thoughts and develop a success plan. Each two-page daily challenge is filled with prompts and calls to action that provide an opportunity to develop a new mindset, incorporate change in your daily activities, follow a process to achieve your goals, and keep you on track and organized.

Ultimately, your transformation is a direct result of your investment in yourself. Change is not easy, rarely happens overnight, and will be challenged – so believing you deserve a better life is imperative to keep you motivated to achieve your goals. Whatever chapter of your life you are in, you write the next one… so make it a great one by working on yourself and pursuing your desires to live a passionate, purpose-driven, and happy life.

Beyond the FREE Happiness Challenge and supplemental Journal and Workbook, we are here to support you and grow as a community. Connect with us in the Happiness Challenge Facebook Group to connect with like-minded individuals seeking to change what isn’t working to achieve a happy, purpose-driven, and fulfilled life.

  • Customized to daily 30-Day Happiness Challenge tips and strategies
  • Fillable PDF Journal – Fill it out digitally or print
  • Maximizes your engagement with Challenge content
  • Improve your positive results
  • Stay focused and on track
  • Create and manage your success plan
  • Easily reflect and see your progress
  • 70 Pages | Approximately 8.5 x 11
$1.33 (tax)
Total: $20.33
What Makes You Happy?

What Makes You Happy?

Have you given much thought to what makes you happy? We often just follow along with what our parents, other family, friends, or celebrities who inspire us feel. We find genuine happiness and fulfillment missing because we are living someone else’s values and views.

In yesterday’s post, we started talking about happiness and your outlook on things you experience. It was part of our initial commitment to achieving greater happiness. Today we’re going to dig a little deeper. There are many things that create happiness. Let’s think about the simple little things that put a smile on your face. It could be a person, a thing, an experience, an action, a song… the list goes on and on.

An easy way to increase our overall happiness and contentment is simply doing something that makes us happy every day. During this challenge, work on being mindful about doing something happy for yourself daily. To make it easier for the remainder of this challenge, let’s come up with a list of what makes you happy. Obviously, this will be different for each person. Let me give you a few ideas and some things to think about. Then I want you to grab a pen and a notebook or a piece of paper, or if you prefer, open your phone or laptop and start typing away. Make a list of things that make you happy.

Don’t overthink it. Don’t try to come up with an organized and categorized list. Instead, simply start brainstorming and jot things down. Create a relaxing environment, have a glass of tea or beverage of your choice, and let the ideas flow. Don’t feel pressured to come up with everything all at once. Feel free to add to the list as time goes by and get in the habit of noticing things that make you happy and then adding them to the list throughout this challenge and beyond.

Found this article but haven’t signed up for the Happiness Challenge yet? Join to get daily actionable tips and strategies that will inspire you to achieve greater happiness leading to a more fulfilled life.

Next, let’s add the big things that make us happy. What people in your life make you happy? What things that you own bring you joy? What activities and hobbies that you have bring you lots of happiness? Think big here and pick what has the most significant impact on your mood. This could also include things like what gestures or actions put a big smile on your face. Places are another great addition. Maybe you’re happiest at the beach, like me :-).

Then think about the little things that make you happy. Maybe it’s sipping a cup of coffee in the morning, a pretty flower in your garden, or having five minutes to yourself. From there, just become more aware of what makes you happy or brings a smile to your face. Stop and take notice anytime that happens, and keep adding to your list of things that make you happy. It will be a great resource to have throughout this challenge. As an added bonus, it will make you grateful and content just by looking at this long list of people and things that bring you happiness. 

Maximize Your Challenge Results With The 30 Day Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook

30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal & Workbook

The 30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook is a supplement to the FREE 30-Day Happiness Challenge. Click => 30 Day Happiness Challenge if you haven’t signed up yet. :-).

Use the fillable PDF Journal to respond to Challenge prompts, record your thoughts and develop a success plan. Each two-page daily challenge is filled with prompts and calls to action that provide an opportunity to develop a new mindset, incorporate change in your daily activities, follow a process to achieve your goals, and keep you on track and organized.

Ultimately, your transformation is a direct result of your investment in yourself. Change is not easy, rarely happens overnight, and will be challenged – so believing you deserve a better life is imperative to keep you motivated to achieve your goals. Whatever chapter of your life you are in, you write the next one… so make it a great one by working on yourself and pursuing your desires to live a passionate, purpose-driven, and happy life.

Beyond the FREE Happiness Challenge and supplemental Journal and Workbook, we are here to support you and grow as a community. Connect with us in the Happiness Challenge Facebook Group to connect with like-minded individuals seeking to change what isn’t working to achieve a happy, purpose-driven, and fulfilled life.

  • Customized to daily 30-Day Happiness Challenge tips and strategies
  • Fillable PDF Journal – Fill it out digitally or print
  • Maximizes your engagement with Challenge content
  • Improve your positive results
  • Stay focused and on track
  • Create and manage your success plan
  • Easily reflect and see your progress
  • 70 Pages | Approximately 8.5 x 11
$1.33 (tax)
Total: $20.33
Welcome And Why Happiness Is A Choice You Make Every Day

Welcome And Why Happiness Is A Choice You Make Every Day

No time to read – enjoy the audio

Are you a glass half full or half empty person? This is a great example to illustrate that there are often two sides to any story and that you have a choice in how you view things. And that choice in turn determines how happy you feel. Happiness then becomes a choice you make every single day.

You can choose to see the glass as half empty, focusing on the fact that you’re almost done drinking that nice glass of ice tea. With that attitude, you’re more likely to feel a little depressed about your tea. If on the other hand, you focus on the fact that the glass is still half full and you have plenty of yummy, ice-cold tea to sip on, your mood improves and you’re increasing your happiness.

When you look at it that way, happiness really is a conscious choice you make, at least to a point. From what I’ve been reading 40% of your happiness is directly affected by how you think and how you choose to feel. And that’s what the next 30 days are all about. Over the coming days, I will post daily tips, advice, and strategies to help you make a conscious decision to be happier. Ready to enhance your life with more happiness? Let’s go-you got this!!!!

Found this article but haven’t signed up for the Happiness Challenge yet? Join to get daily actionable tips and strategies that will inspire you to achieve greater happiness leading to a more fulfilled life.

To maximize your engagement and success, join our Happiness Challenge Facebook Group to connect with like-minded folks, share your experiences, receive support, inspiration, and motivation. Sign up at 30 Day Happiness Challenge Facebook Group.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side. Here’s why I decided to do this for the coming 30 days. Since happiness is a choice, and a choice we make every single day, I want to challenge you to make it a habit. Over the coming days, I want to inspire and encourage you to make a choice each morning to be happier.

It takes time and daily conscious decisions to change habits and how we approach life. That’s where the challenge comes into play. The idea is that this post will be a daily reminder to help you make that choice. Of course, there will also be plenty of helpful content on the topic of happiness in the form of a new daily vlog post as well as helpful resources in the Facebook Group. At the end of the challenge, your newly formed habits and ways of thinking, change how you look at challenging situations. With a little shift in thinking and perception, you can craft a happier, more fulfilling life for yourself. I hope you see the value of investing in yourself and putting in the work so this challenge can help you experience greater happiness.

Finding Happiness-7 Tips To Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet

Finding Happiness-7 Tips To Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet

Woohoo!!! Lookout 2022, here we come! We’re going for it – let’s make 2022 your best year yet. Finding happiness is at the core of that. No longer will we be satisfied living someone else’s dream, letting life happen around us, and daydreaming about what we want and “I wonder if.” Life is for living it to its fullest – that’s God’s desire for each of us. So….how do we get from where we are right now to live in our passions, purpose, and happiness?

In 2019, The Washington Post reported that “Americans are getting more miserable, and there’s data to prove it.” Looking in, you would think that with more technology and better living conditions and jobs, we would all be happier. However, a closer look shows individuals are seeking something more… We have long known money and things are not the answer to achieving happiness (hmmm…money does bring some happiness). Let’s explore mindset changes you can make to increase happiness in your life.

Dr. Joe Vitale, motivational speaker and author, often says: “the fastest way to get where you want is to be happy with where you are.” Believe it or not, this mindset works! It may take some changes and soul searching on your part, but in the end, it’ll be more than worth it to adopt this positive mentality.

While you should strive to make your dreams come true, learn to enjoy the journey-happiness isn’t only about the destination but capturing the joy of the moment. When you spend less time wishing things were different and more time accepting what you’ve got, you’ve already found a sense of peace and happiness right there.

Take the FREE 30 Day Challenge to begin your journey in creating the life you desire and deserve!
You deserve to live a purposeful, passionate, and fulfilled life. Here are some tips to jump-start your pursuit of happiness:
1. Feel gratitude.

When you concentrate on the big picture, it’s easier to exhibit feelings of appreciation. When you’re grateful, you remain positive and appreciative of every joyful moment in life.

  • Sometimes people get too caught up in a sense of entitlement, which leads to negative feelings. –Concentrating on gratitude, instead, will get you where you desire.
2. Be optimistic.

Some say that life is all about being hopeful, seeing the glass half full. And it’s true! An optimistic attitude is critical in helping you see beyond obstacles and challenges.

  • If you’re trying to achieve a concrete goal, optimism will help you accomplish it.
  • If you’re trying to change your mindset, optimism will make the task easier.
  • Optimism can be the driving force that keeps you going.
3. Exhibit the traits you desire.

Gandhi said, “you should be the change you want to see in the world.” Yesssss, with these wise words in mind, you can replace wanting with some bold action. With some persistence and perseverance, you can make it happen.

  • If you’re trying to achieve a concrete goal, optimism will help you accomplish it.
  • If you’re trying to change your mindset, optimism will make the task easier.
  • Optimism can be the driving force that keeps you going.
4. Adopt a prosperous mindset.

Take a moment to determine what prosperity means to you. Are you hoping for money, a fulfilling career, or a relationship that lasts a lifetime? Know what you want, then adopt the right mindset. Once you do, you’ve positioned yourself in the right direction toward your goals.

5. See the good and seek out learning opportunities.

As you go through life, you will undoubtedly realize that things will not always go your way. But even in tough times, you need to keep your stay positive. Instead of allowing negativity to consume your life, use it as a learning experience and move forward. This fresh attitude can be the difference between being held hostage and achieving your goals.

6. Take small steps.

When the place you’re going seems far away and unachievable, it’s essential to break it down into small steps. Give yourself an achievable goal with a realistic time frame. Break that one down into smaller goals. I learned this the hard way…leave room for life to happen. Loading your plate with ambitious goals and not enough time to achieve them will likely cause you to give up when all you needed was a realistic timeline. Who are we racing against anyway?

  • When you avoid getting overwhelmed, you’ll gain the confidence to persevere.
7. Seek direction from God.

We take on more than God ever intended. We’re instructed to cast all our care upon Him, for He cares for you (1Pet 5:7). I am free, less stressed, and more confident in trusting that God wants me to succeed and knows what’s best for me.

Action Steps

Reading is good, but you need to incorporate these tips into your thoughts and actions to be successful. Some of the changes may be back of the hand, while others will take a while. Start by practicing one tip at a time until you automatically find yourself incorporating them in situations and choices. Before you know it, you’ll be a natural at all of them!

Once you choose a powerful and positive mindset, you’ll find that you are experiencing more happiness. Once you have a happiness mindset, the next step is to align the rest of your life with values to maintain further and increase your happiness.

To dive deeper into making 2022 your happiest year yet, sign up for Sheila M’s 30-Day Happiness Challenge. You deserve more happiness-you are worth it! Wow, if the world were filled with happier people, the rippling effects would create a better society for us all.😊

What disappointments do you desire to overcome? Message, comment, or click CONNECT to share how you will overcome mistakes to achieve your goals . As a community, we want to support you on your journey to living your best life. Don’t let disappointment cause you to give up on your goals and dreams.

You don’t have to struggle to overcome obstacles to create your desired change. Contact Sheila M to discuss how we can work together so you can find happiness, live a passionate life, and be fulfilled! Click COACHING for more information.
