What Differences Are You Noticing?
person holding a green plant

Written By Sheila M

Communications and Personal Development Practitioner who is passionate about helping clients change self-defeating behaviors to experience fulfilling and happy personal and professional relationships.

Throughout the past 28 days, we’ve been talking a lot about happiness and what we can do to increase how we feel. We’ve talked about a huge variety of different things, from how sleep, exercise, and nutrition can affect our mood to simple strategies like decluttering and practicing gratefulness.

Tomorrow I’ll give you a quick little review and we’ll make some plans to go from here. Today though, as this 30 Day Happiness Challenge is coming to a close, I thought it would be a good idea to take stock and see if intentionally focusing on being happier is making a difference. I know it has for me, but how about you? I hope you’ve been following along and trying the various ideas. One thing we talked about in the past is keeping a journal. The idea was to change thinking, be intentional in taking action steps to create the life ou desire, practice gratitude and pay attention to the good things about us by writing them down. That same journal is also a great tool to judge how you’ve been doing throughout this challenge. Compare the earlier entries to the last few or how you’re feeling now. Hopefully, you see some significant improvements.

Found this article but haven’t signed up for the Happiness Challenge yet? Join to get daily actionable tips and strategies that will inspire you to achieve greater happiness leading to a more fulfilled life.

It’s important to remember that we go through seasons in our lives. There are times that we are happier and times that are more challenging and sad. It’s ok to go through those sadder phases. In one of the posts in this challenge, I mentioned that it would be sad if we only experienced happiness. We need sad to make the happy stand out more. Without the tough times, it’s hard to appreciate the good ones. If you’re stuck in a tough time, that’s ok. Do what you can to make yourself and your loved ones get through it and then work on bringing joy and happiness back into your lives.

More than anything else, I hope this short little challenge makes you more aware of the beauty and joy around you. It’s so easy to get sucked into our everyday lives and troubles to a point where we miss the people and things that will make us happy. This challenge was designed to make you more aware of them and create new, positive habits that you will continue to carry forward from here on out. We’ll talk a little more about where to go from here in tomorrow’s wrap-up post. For now, I hope this has made a difference to you and I’d love to hear how you’ve enjoyed it and what you’ve found particularly helpful. Leave me a comment, connect on social media, or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you a productive day!

Sheila M XOXO

Maximize Your Challenge Results With The 30 Day Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook

30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal & Workbook

The 30-Day Happiness Challenge Journal and Workbook is a supplement to the FREE 30-Day Happiness Challenge. Click => 30 Day Happiness Challenge if you haven’t signed up yet. :-).

Use the fillable PDF Journal to respond to Challenge prompts, record your thoughts and develop a success plan. Each two-page daily challenge is filled with prompts and calls to action that provide an opportunity to develop a new mindset, incorporate change in your daily activities, follow a process to achieve your goals, and keep you on track and organized.

Ultimately, your transformation is a direct result of your investment in yourself. Change is not easy, rarely happens overnight, and will be challenged – so believing you deserve a better life is imperative to keep you motivated to achieve your goals. Whatever chapter of your life you are in, you write the next one… so make it a great one by working on yourself and pursuing your desires to live a passionate, purpose-driven, and happy life.

Beyond the FREE Happiness Challenge and supplemental Journal and Workbook, we are here to support you and grow as a community. Connect with us in the Happiness Challenge Facebook Group to connect with like-minded individuals seeking to change what isn’t working to achieve a happy, purpose-driven, and fulfilled life.

  • Customized to daily 30-Day Happiness Challenge tips and strategies
  • Fillable PDF Journal – Fill it out digitally or print
  • Maximizes your engagement with Challenge content
  • Improve your positive results
  • Stay focused and on track
  • Create and manage your success plan
  • Easily reflect and see your progress
  • 70 Pages | Approximately 8.5 x 11
$1.33 (tax)
Total: $20.33

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1 Comment

  1. S. Thorton

    Amazing and helpful info!
