
About Sheila M


“Fessing up to your shortcomings is hard, but the beginning of moving forward to change what is not working.”


My Story | About Sheila M


Have you not shown up for your own dream? I have several times….nervous, full of self-doubt, shame and guilt of past failures, and excuses of why it wouldn’t, couldn’t and shouldn’t work for me.

Challenged, connecting with others, I often ended conversations frustrated because I didn’t get my point across, was misunderstood, or said the wrong thing (put my foot in my mouth) :-). This resulted in often being overlooked and not taken seriously. Feeling defeated, I retreated into a corner-hiding my perspectives and true personality. Additionally, I still vividly remember breaking out in a drenching sweat, stuttering, and my ears turn fire engine red when speaking in front of groups. Yikes!

Poor communication skills, self-doubt, and challenging social skills isolated me and hindered relationship growth, resulting in missed opportunities and me nurturing a defeated mindset.

Today, my life is totally transformed, I have changed disappointing life results into thriving relationships, great self-confidence, career advancement, and a happier and fulfilled life. I am living what once seemed unattainable and helping others transform, as well!

You can do it too – let’s begin your transformation today!



West Side Story was one of Sheila’s favorite childhood memories. Whenever she heard the song, “I Just Met a Girl Named Maria,” she said, “I would sing the lyrics, twirl around, and imagine I was Maria.  I instantly felt beautiful and loved.  For me, it was a magical escape to feel what I desperately longed for, which was being accepted, wanted and loved.” She always planned to one-day use her middle name, Maria– but hadn’t figured out how and when.  Well, decades later in a new season of life, the M is used as a tribute to the broken little girl who has overcome abuse, low self-worth, and hopelessness. Transformed, Sheila is an inspirer, motivator, and promoter of the power to change. She now embraces life with confidence, accepts and embraces her wonderfulness (and imperfections), and is leading-learners to change poor communication skills and self-defeating behaviors to live their best lives.

Professional Background

Sheila M is a caring and passionate trainer and coach whose mission is to help clients struggling with personal development and communication skills who desire to transform so they experience thriving relationships, breakthroughs, career advancement, influence, and confidently express themselves.

As a coach, trainer, and speaker Sheila M uses her transformation journey combined with a Masters of Education, Graduate Certificate in Communications, Coaching Certification, and 25 years of leadership experience to teach and guide clients on how to change unproductive behaviors and implement strategies for life-changing experiences.

Struggling communicators have specific challenges not experienced by others. Weighed down by frustration and disappointment in the inability to connect and express themselves with impact, they sometimes feel alienated, with no one really seeing or understanding them.

Helping clients overcome challenges and experience success is my mission and passion! Having experienced a transformation herself, Sheila M brings proven strategies, hope, and inspiration to those settling for less and who don’t believe they can experience a more fulfilled life. Change is possible! You can achieve your goals, develop meaningful relationships, gain influence, overcome obstacles, and confidently express yourself. This transformation results in greater happiness, more meaningful personal relationships, career advancement, increased confidence, and improved quality of life. Sheila M says, “It happened to me and you can experience the same!”

Sheila M has volunteered extensively for the last 25 years working with women, children, and transitional populations. She loves cooking, traveling, gardening, and entertaining family and friends.


Membership and Resources

Always have a resource as close as your phone or desktop to overcome the obstacles you face and a caring team to support you through your personal development journey.

The Sheila M Membership Program will provide access to courses, videos, worksheets, lives with Sheila M and guest experts, and much more.

Be on the lookout for the program launch date. Click below to get on the VIP list to receive updates, bonuses, and launch promotions.

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A Groovy Journey Of Self Development

Boogie down and change your life at the same time with Sheila M Coaching's a new series called "Luv The One You're With." ❤️

It's a journey of embracing self-love, building self-esteem, and increasing confidence.

For more info, click below.

Create The Life YOU Desire!

Take the 30-Day Email Happiness Challenge to transform from where you are right now to live a passionate, purpose-driven, and happier life.
