

All products and services are for educational and informational purposes only. All results stated are not typical. Sheila M Coaching is not implying you’ll duplicate them. My strategies and tips are only examples of my success and what is possible. There is no assurance you’ll do as well as I and other clients. Results are based on many factors, including mindset changes, hard work, effort, and persistency. We have no way of knowing how well you will do, as we do not know you, your background, or your work ethic, etc.


1. You must implement all strategies taught in the course or program. You must watch all training videos, review all resources, and complete every corresponding action item in the course/program/challenge/journal. The course, journal, or other content is subject to change, but you are required to complete all material of the course that was available to you at your time of purchase. You must show documented proof that you have completed the course/journal and tracked your results or progress as indicated in the course. Each course or training program consists of videos, slideshows, and other training materials and you must complete all activities AND take action steps on actionable activities as outlined in the course/challenge/journal in order to claim a refund. You must show documented proof that you have made attempts to implement all of the strategies taught in the program or course before requesting a refund.

2. You must leverage our world-class support team for assistance. We care about our community, clients, and customers. If there are any questions or concerns regarding your purchase or anything that arises that is preventing you from achieving results, you must email support@sheilaMcoaching.com for assistance. You must show documented proof that you have tried emailing with your questions and concerns AT LEAST once before requesting a refund and we will check our records to see how the situation was handled.

3. You must document all of the proof you perform in a Google Doc or other shareable document, including when you performed the action. It is imperative that you document this data in the Google Doc immediately after you perform each requirement listed above, because Google will track when you made updates to the document, and this is how we will know that you met the requirements in the time allotted. We want you to have success with all of our programs and courses, therefore you must start implementing what we’ve taught you within 7 days of your purchase. You must document your activities and if within the refund period, decide you wish to stop using the program and get a refund, provide us with all of this documentation before requesting a refund. You must contact us within 7 days of the expiration date of your guarantee notifying us you will be submitting a refund request and have your documentation ready for review. No exceptions.
