Dreams Interrupted (Overcoming Disappointments)

Dreams Interrupted (Overcoming Disappointments)

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.

– Robert Kiyosaki
Have you ever had a great dream and it was suddenly interrupted?

I remember trying to go back to sleep so I could finish it, only to toss and turn, unable to get back to that place. During our lives, we sometimes have dreams that are interrupted. Everything is progressing well, we have set our hearts in anticipation of what is ahead, and suddenly, our dreams are delayed or derailed. With so much invested, how do we move forward and not concede to defeat? During disappointing times we ask questions like….was it not meant to be, do we not deserve to achieve it, or is there something wrong with me? Developing the skills to overcome disappointment helps us stay motivated, make adjustments as needed, and continue pursuing our goals. Failing to learn how to navigate through letdowns creates missed opportunities and leaves us unfulfilled, stuck, and frustrated.

Don’t be afraid to dream.

If I were ever asked, “Did you ever imagine that you would accomplish this?” My response would not be like most people…my answer would be an emphatic YES. I am a dreamer who regularly has visions of achieving various goals that I set. I actually see myself functioning in the blessings of those goals. Since a child, I have filled many notebooks with dreams and aspirations. The pages, filled with research and plans; I plotted out the steps needed to achieve each goal. I am not sure if the two are connected, but I also dream a lot in my sleep. Some are great adventures, a few are nightmares, and every once in a while, a crazy dream that makes me laugh every time I think about it. My family takes great joy in teasing me about having a conversation in my sleep about Jupiter being outside the window.

With notebooks in hand, dreams in my head, and a world to conquer, I was eager to pursue my dreams but fell short many times in the beginning because I gave up too easily in the face of disappointment, obstacles, closed doors, and opposition-believing I didn’t have the ability to overcome.

Develop the skills to manage disappointment.

We all know someone who seems to have it easy, gets all the breaks, and always shines. The brief moments we observe and connect with others often don’t reveal their experiences and time invested in building personal development skills that provide assurance and confidence despite the challenges they come up against. No one escapes disappointment and the pressure to give up and walk away. That someone you admire faces similar problems and devastation like the rest of us; however, how they internally process challenges, things going left, and letdowns prepare them to move forward effectively.

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Below are four action steps to help you navigate through and overcome disappointment.
  1. Acknowledge that life is not always easy and there are times of discouragement and overwhelming challenges. Successful endeavors almost always include overcoming obstacles and managing challenges. If you manage to achieve your dream without much effort, you certainly will have to invest in maintaining it. No one escapes disappointment or situations that do not turn out as planned. When you experience disappointment, it is easy to feel isolated and think you are the only one going through this. We all need a foundation as a source to gain strength during difficult times. No one was created to carry the weight of problems and challenges on his or her own.
  2. Choose this as an opportunity to grow and learn.  Sidlow Baxter said, “What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity?  Our attitude toward it.  Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.” I have grown the most during difficult times. Refusing to be defeated, I use the experience to learn about others, the process, and myself. Challenges can come from both the inside and out and provide situations that cause you to assess your plan, develop character, and evaluate your course of action.
  3. Do not jump ship before evaluating your situation. Many great ideas are abandoned under the pressure of disappointment. I myself have shelved dreams that had great potential, but in hindsight believe I gave up on them too soon. History would tell a very different story about Bill Gates, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, and many other achievers if they had given up and not remained focused, despite disappointments and interruptions in pursuit of their dreams. Some dreams just might need tweaking, a fresh perspective, time, or greater investment. Be sure to make an informed decision versus one based on emotions.
  4. Keep your eye on the big picture. Achieving a dream is about happiness and fulfillment. You alone have the power to create those in your life. Build your confidence by garnering the knowledge and support to pursue your dreams. Do not rob yourself and those in your life from abundant living because you are waiting to achieve your dream to be happy.  Learn to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

Often, our dreams take us out of our typical environment. We don’t usually dream about a mediocre job, a studio apartment, or a horrible marriage. Our dreams take us beyond where we currently see ourselves and stretch our imagination and courage to believe we can achieve them.

A dream without a goal is a wish.

A goal without a plan is just a dream.”

Power through disappointment and setbacks.

I always admire the stories of overweight individuals transforming their bodies into healthy performance athletes. While emotions, personal situations, injuries, and other incidents often delayed or interrupted them in achieving their goals, the successful ones pursued through the challenges. When pursuing our dreams, we need to be just as diligent and never give up despite setbacks. Challenge yourself to power through disappointment and setbacks. Never lose the excitement and drive to accomplish your dreams. The process will be worth it as you overcome obstacles to achieve your goals.

What disappointments do you desire to overcome? Please message, comment, or click CONNECT to share how you are going to overcome disappointment and achieve your goal. . As a community, we want to support you on your journey to living your best life. Don’t let disappointment cause you to give up on your goals and dreams.

You don’t have to struggle through overcoming obstacles to create the change you desire. Contact Sheila M to discuss how we can work together so you can live in purpose, passion, and happiness! Click COACHING for more information.
