
Boogie down and change your life at the same time with Sheila M Coaching’s a new series called “Luv The One You’re With.” ❤️

It’s a journey of embracing self-love, building self-esteem, and increasing confidence.

Sheila M Coaching
Welcome! I'm Sheila M

Helping You Overcome Obstacles, Create Success Plans, and Achieve Goals

Overcome personal and professional struggles, develop meaningful relationships, increase self-love and worth, embrace new beginnings, or build confidence to create the life you desire. Book a FREE STRATEGY CALL to discuss achieving your goals.

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Thanks for checking out Sheila M!

Helping clients to transform their lives by changing unproductive thinking and overcoming obstacles that hinder their success is my mission and passion.

My journey to becoming the best version of myself begun when I was at a very low point in my life. I felt acknowledging the areas that I needed to improve showed how insignificant I was and asking for help was a sign of weakness. CRAZY thinking, right??? Definitely, but I found out many others felt the same way!

I used to be ashamed to ask for help! A perfectionist (recovered now), I felt I should be able to figure it out on my own and have all the answers.


“Be strong enough to stand alone,
smart enough to know when you need help,
and brave enough to ask for it. “


My personal development and communication skills sucked!!!! Like anyone else, there is a story of how I got there which resulted in stunted relationships, struggles connecting on a meaningful level, missed opportunities, and often being misunderstood. Challenged with low self-esteem and confidence, trying to figure it out on my own was an ongoing struggle and hugely difficult to achieve.

Transforming Your Life Is Possible

Learning to change my mindset was the foundation that empowered me to overcome obstacles to create a more fulfilled life – it’s been life-changing!!!  The transformation has helped me to overcome obstacles,  and find life direction and purpose while gaining the skills to confidently achieve goals.

Join Sheila M to be part of a growing community of individuals who want to overcome stifling obstacles that block their success. Where do you begin? Be willing to change unproductive behaviors, open to learning, and invest in the ongoing work needed. If you do-you will see your life change. Mine did and yours can too!


“Sheila gets me! Sometimes you feel like you are the only one struggling with issues. She related to my situation and provided actionable steps and motivation to change.      Victor, Maryland

“Sheila opened my eyes to what I need to work on to improve how others see me and I relate better to others.”       Candice B, New York

“It was great to work with Sheila. She was engaging, challenged my thinking, and helped me recognize my inner resources to overcome fears and obstacles. She worked to ensure I knew how to apply strategies to my situations for better outcomes.”

LeAnn S, Atlanta


Welcome to Sheila M’s Blog!

Welcome to a source of inspiration, strategies, and other resources to help you improve your confidence and overcome obstacles to become the best version of you!

Assessing Your Qualities Worksheet

Complete this after watching the Assessing Your Qualities Video. Increase self-belief and your confidence to pursue the things you want in life by assessing your qualities. Write your answers directly on the fillable worksheet.

Believing In Yourself-Assessing Your Qualities


What’s crackin’ groovy people?

Check out today’s video on assessing your qualities.

Keep on steppin’ into your pursuit of believing in yourself.

Love the One You’re With

The Love The One You’re With Series is designed to help you embrace self-love, build self-esteem, and increase confidence.

Join us for funky fresh learning posts, activities, action steps, and more. Bust out your bell-bottoms, boho dresses, crochet anything, and platforms and get ready to boogie down while transforming your life.

The Power of Believing In Yourself

Have you ever thought about how much believing in yourself makes a difference in your quality of life? Let’s look at the benefits of believing in yourself and tips to get you there.

Use 3 Laws of Attraction To Get What You Want

We can’t think our way into bliss, but I believe if we take action based on our visualized outcomes, our positive thinking changes our mindset and motivates us to align our efforts with the desired result.

Use Failure As A Ladder To Grow Stronger

Learn to celebrate each failure you have because it gives you an opportunity to try again wiser.

Transform Your Mistakes Into Opportunities

According to a growing body of clinical research, mistakes enrich learning if you adopt a positive mindset about your mistakes. Best of all, there are practical steps you can take to turn your errors into opportunities.

Let’s Make A Plan To Keep This Happiness Going

It is hard to believe it has been 30 days since we started this Happiness Challenge together. We covered a lot of happiness ground. If you have followed along with the tips I shared and made an effort to improve your mood, gratitude, and joy, I'm sure you are...

What Differences Are You Noticing?

Throughout the past 28 days, we’ve been talking a lot about happiness and what we can do to increase how we feel. We’ve talked about a huge variety of different things, from how sleep, exercise, and nutrition can affect our mood to simple strategies like decluttering...

Sometimes You Need To Treat Yourself And Spend Some “Me” Time

We lead busy lives and have all sorts of obligations as parents, professionals, and friends. It’s easy to lose yourself in everything that has to be done in any given week. While it’s great to give and spend lots of time with loved ones, there is a time and place when...

FREE Coaching Resources

Membership and Resources

Always have a resource as close as your phone or desktop to overcome the obstacles you face and a caring team to support you through your personal development journey.

The Sheila M Membership Program will provide access to courses, videos, worksheets, lives with Sheila M and guest experts, and much more.

Be on the lookout for the program launch date. Click below to get on the VIP list to receive updates, bonuses, and launch promotions.

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A Groovy Journey Of Self Development

Boogie down and change your life at the same time with Sheila M Coaching's a new series called "Luv The One You're With." ❤️

It's a journey of embracing self-love, building self-esteem, and increasing confidence.

For more info, click below.

Create The Life YOU Desire!

Take the 30-Day Email Happiness Challenge to transform from where you are right now to live a passionate, purpose-driven, and happier life.
